Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Crown

A few weeks ago when I was having my teeth cleaned, I told the dentist about a pang I was having in one of my lower left molars when I ate cereal. He took a quick look and noticed a large crack. I went in today to get my first ever crown and it was quite an experience. 90 minutes with my jaw jacked open and the dentist shredding my tooth with a loud drill. It's a temporary crown that I'll "try out" for a month to see if it takes and whether or not I need a root canal. If not, they'll throw a permanent crown on and that molar (crushing the bank at nearly $2,000.00 when all is said and done - thank goodness for insurance) will be the king of my mouth. Happy brushing and flossing!


Anonymous said...

I got one last year, root canal and all. I would not do it again on purpose, but the root canal really wasn't that bad (it just takes forever).

bosskat said...

Yeah... I'm hoping I'll get the permanent crown for the wee, little bastard tooth! As spring nears I have a feeling I'll be more motivated to post about my exploits here in AK. Talk soon.

Maigh said...

I'm walking away from the craptop to brush and floss. YUCK MOUTH!

bosskat said...

I gots me a Sonicare toothbrush and it kicks ass... you should get one - you won't regret the investment!