Friday, April 07, 2006


I'm starting to get the hang of this and with some help, I turned on the comment option... hooray for me. Comment if you wish, please. Good day.


bosskat said...

nifty... it worked.

Anonymous said...


Are you doing the Soggy Bottom 100? Cause I am seriously thinking about doing it. I'm a sport level rider and have done some 6-hr events and would love to do a little MTB in Alaska while I'm there in August. I figure by the time I get from TX to AK I'll be good to go for 106 on the dirt!


bosskat said...

SD, I'm planning on it... I've ridden those trails many times but not all at once... it's simply amazing and I highly recommend hopping on those trails while you're up even if it's not for a race... the race organizer is super cool (Carlos) and the events have a real grass roots feel... give me a shout when you get to town and we'll chat some more... bosskat

Anonymous said...

Hi Bosskat,
Just stumbled accross your blog while doing some research for the soggybottom 100. I just heard from Carlos and it looks like I'm in. I'm coming up from Idaho and was curious if you could provide me some information of what the trail is like, (technical, steep) ect ect.What kind of training would you recommend?