Here's one for the siblings... I was obviously enjoying teasing my younger sister with my Shake-n-Bake pork chop. Dig the red shag carpet. Ahh, the 70's in Alaska - those were the days... kids ripping around the neighborhood on dirt bikes and three wheelers, a moose eating our hippy neighbors pot garden and getting so stoned it spent the day in our front yard and might as well have been in a wheelchair, all the neighborhood kids getting together to do our version of The Gong Show in our driveway with parents as judges and a big iron skillet as the gong, broken bones, riding bikes, building forts, playing Kick the Can until midnight, getting stung by bees more times than I care to remember, and exploring hillside trails that are now neighborhoods. Those memories are but a drop in the sea of great times I took with me from my youth. After getting my brains scrambled in an accident a few years ago, I'm more thankful than I can say to still have those timeless moments locked in the vault.
Don't forget For-ee-ast lighting ants on fire. I bet he's a serial killer by now.
And of course the triangle. Steve wants a little one to hang by the back door, to get me to come in from my office for dinner and save him the ten steps across the yard ;-)
Actually, I've seem him a few times in recent years and he's not the same terror he was. He's in the health care/medical field. Now the Erickson's... I'm sure at least one of them has to be in jail.
Just don't let him near the anesthesia.
I hear "Prison Break" was actually based on Mike and Eric, except that in real life they were both guilty, unemployed and instead of a map had tattoos saying things like "Don't Let the Turkeys Get You Down" and "Keep On Truckin'."
I'm just sayin'.
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