Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Trip North

These are a few shots from my trip to Kotzebue last week. The first shot is of Kotzebue from the hill just out of town. Shot two is the hotel (grin). I had a blast riding Fango above the Arctic Circle on Kotzebue Sound and out onto wide, smooth snowmachine trails that rolled through the hills for miles and miles over frozen tundra. I also rode up to the United States Air Force Long Range Radar Site above town and just beyond that to the Kotzebue Electric Association windmill farm. It was still a bit chilly and on one ride, an icy wind kicked up on my way back to the hotel and I was glad to get there when I did. The trip could have been a real drag but I was able to bring my bike... and that made all the difference.


Anonymous said...

That looks to be some inviting terrain there. Way to make a place with nothing happening, HAPPENING!

bosskat said...


Anonymous said...

Three cheers for your smart wife!

bosskat said...

Hip, Hip... :)